WooCommerce Price by User Role

WooCommerce Price based on User Role

Display WooCommerce products prices by user roles


With WooCommerce Price based on User Role module you can set different product prices for different user groups (roles). There is also a tool to create custom user roles in Booster’s General module.

If you want to set global price multiplier for each user role, you need:

  • Enable the module in WooCommerce > Settings > Booster > Prices & Currencies > Price based on User Role
  • Set multiplier per role.

WooCommerce Price by User Role - Admin Settings

If you want to set price per user role for each product separately, you need:

  • Enable the module in WooCommerce > Settings > Booster > Prices & Currencies > Price based on User Role
  • Check “Enable per Product Settings”.
  • Go to product’s edit page and find “Booster: Price based on User Role” meta box.
  • Set regular and sale prices for each role. This will override global multiplier for current product and selected role.

WooCommerce Price by User Role - Admin Settings (per product)

Accessible through:

  • WooCommerce > Settings > Booster > Prices & Currencies > Price by User Role

Tested on WooCommerce 4.0.0 and WordPress 5.3.2Plugin can be downloaded here. If there are any locked fields in the module, you will need to get Booster Plus to unlock them.

WooCommerce Booster ModulesWooCommerce Price by User RoleWooCommerce PricesWooCommerce User Roles




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  1. Gabe Rojas March 19, 2020 at 4:09 am#comment>

    I am using the Booster (free version) and I was able to enable the Price Based on User Role and works great on the initial item but all subsequent items I create, when I set the value to “Yes” to enable it on the product, right after I click on Save, I get this error:
    Booster: Free plugin’s version is limited to only one price by user role per products settings product enabled at a time.

    I have just 1 user role (guest) setup in Booster settings (Price Based on User Role).

    Any suggestions?

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    • Gabe Rojas March 19, 2020 at 4:11 am#comment>

      Follow-up of the actual full message:
      Booster: Free plugin’s version is limited to only one price by user role per products settings product enabled at a time. You will need to get Booster Plus to add unlimited number of price by user role per product settings products.


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    • RokasJ March 19, 2020 at 8:36 am#comment>

      Hi Gabe,

      Could you contact us directly at support@booster.io

      Best regards,
      Rokas – Support team


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  3. B.S. March 5, 2020 at 4:01 pm#comment>

    we’re using Booster Plus and the price per user role module.
    Would it be possible to implement that the the prices are also used when an order is manually added?. Currently if we do so WooCommerce is using the standard price.

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    • RokasJ March 5, 2020 at 6:50 pm#comment>


      You should enable “Booster User Roles Changer” in WooCommerce > Settings > Booster > Emails & Misc. > General. This will add role changer in the toolbar. When you manually add orders in the backend, switch to the user role you want to use for the pricing.

      Best regards,
      Rokas – Support team


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  5. Christopher Jamgotchian February 29, 2020 at 1:09 am#comment>

    Sometimes when I enable the feature to allow me change the price based on the user role, I hit update, and then it turns back to no. Is is because there is too many variations, because it worked with a product that had less variations. And also is there a way to have the price change for each role change the price for every variation for that role? My website is under construction right now, so let me know if you need to access it.

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    • RokasJ February 29, 2020 at 4:29 pm#comment>


      Could you contact us directly at support@booster.io

      Best regards,
      Rokas – Support Team


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  7. bruce@byoung.co.za February 19, 2020 at 7:23 am#comment>


    Is there a way to show the normal price and the discounted price with the product when using role based pricing?

    Customer think that they are not getting the discounted rate as they don’t see before and after pricing.

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  9. Nikolai February 13, 2020 at 7:13 pm#comment>

    Hi! I am trying to use this field with All Import plugin but something goes wrong. I added all additional fields, price is switched on but both values are 0. What I have to do?

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    • RokasJ February 27, 2020 at 6:50 pm#comment>


      Could you contact us directly at support@booster.io

      Best regards,
      Rokas – Support Team


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  11. Karl November 12, 2019 at 8:42 pm#comment>

    Hi There, We are using this plugin. Paid Pro version. We want to have prices individually specified for each product for normal and wholesaler users. But we need them to also be available to variations? I cant seem to make this work? Can you explain please what module we need to use and how?

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    • RokasJ November 13, 2019 at 4:09 pm#comment>

      Hi Karl,

      That is certainly possible. Please enable Price based on User Rolemodule and Enable per Product Settings option (optionally configure Show Roles on per Product Settings option to only show certain user roles). Then on each product edit page (even if it’s variation product) you will be able to enable Booster: Price Based on User Role option and set prices for each variation. Please let me know at which step you need further assistance.

      Best regards,
      Rokas – Support Team


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  13. Walter November 6, 2019 at 3:53 pm#comment>

    Hi! Does this module support Woocommerce REST api?
    I need to have more than one price included inside the database and not create the price dinamically.

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  15. RockPeach October 24, 2019 at 10:13 am#comment>


    I have the premium version
    IT DOES NOT WORK WITH WPML as when selecting all my tags in my 1st language then it saves them and the discounts.
    Then going to the 2nd language it saves then tags and discounts too BUT it removes the selected tags from the 1st language. The prices of the 1st language then become regular prices for all user roles.

    When adding AGAIN the tags to the 1st language it saves them and it shows the discounts entered previously (so they are not deleted) but then the tags of the 2nd language are now deleted (so prices of 2nd language are now regular prices for all user roles)…

    Please test and find a fix! It used to work (I remember I struggled the 1st time to make it work though) but now I’ve added a new tag I just can’t save for both languages…



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    • RokasJ October 24, 2019 at 1:49 pm#comment>


      Could you contact us directly via email support@booster.io

      Best regards,
      Rokas – Support Team


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    • RockPeach October 24, 2019 at 4:14 pm#comment>

      I just did and I believe the first message created a ticket automatically in your support system too so feel free to contact me through your support platform – will update this thread when things are fixed


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    • RockPeach October 25, 2019 at 3:48 pm#comment>

      Hi, if you have any update that would be great. Many thanks


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    • RockPeach October 29, 2019 at 12:37 am#comment>

      As an update Support has sent me an updated version which fixes the issue. All works perfectly now. Thanks so much Booster team! 🙂


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  17. Amy October 19, 2019 at 6:09 pm#comment>

    I have enabled this feature but on the product page the meta box says the feature is not enabled. It says you have to save after enabling. I’ve done this and it doesn’t change the meta box. How do I set the prices by user role if the addon isn’t working?

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    • RokasJ October 19, 2019 at 6:22 pm#comment>

      Hi Amy,

      Are you using the free version of Booster? If so, only 1 product can be enabled in per-product settings.

      Best regards,
      Rokas – Support Team


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  19. minadi October 9, 2019 at 11:57 am#comment>

    Hey guys,

    we are having the same issues as “timothy hopper November 13, 2018 at 4:49 pm” had / has.

    After updating from WooCommerce version 3.3.1 to 3.7.0 hiding prices for guests / not-logged-in-users results in displaying the “OUT OF STOCK” message in every product. It doesnt matter if product is single or a variation product.

    Price based on User Role –> settings –> guests –> checkbox “generate empty price” = true
    returns an out of stock message in guest-frontend.
    Guests can’t even see the options for other variations.

    Any suggestions? Workarounds? I don’t want to use a snippet that just hides the price at the frontend while still showing it in the source code. But if you can’t get that solved I am forced to do so. 🙁

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    • Benjamin October 14, 2019 at 7:59 am#comment>

      Support team?


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    • RokasJ October 14, 2019 at 8:23 am#comment>


      Unfortunately I could not reproduce the issue. Could you contact us directly via email support@booster.io

      Best regards,
      Rokas – Support Team


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  21. Dri Dona September 18, 2019 at 12:59 am#comment>

    I tryed to show empty price for guests (it mean hide the proce, yes?) but it not works to me..

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  23. DC September 13, 2019 at 7:42 pm#comment>

    Hello, The Price based on User Role is not appearing on the front end of the site after following the instructions.

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    • RokasJ September 14, 2019 at 10:29 am#comment>


      Could you try setting a different priority number? If that doesn’t work, could you contact us directly via email support@booster.io

      Best regards,
      Rokas – Support Team


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  25. Deyson May 30, 2019 at 2:46 pm#comment>

    Is it possible to apply a fixed price on a subscription product to a customer based on their Role and also stay with the same price for any future renewals? Thank you and have an amazing day!

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  27. Rubb March 12, 2019 at 3:14 pm#comment>

    If I do not set price to user role will it use the default price I set for the product?

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    • RokasJ March 12, 2019 at 5:13 pm#comment>

      Hi Rubb,

      Yes, it will show default price if the price is not set for the user role and the multiplier is set to 1.

      Best regards,
      Rokas – Support Team


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  29. timothy hopper November 13, 2018 at 4:49 pm#comment>

    help please…when activated and set to hide prices the prices ARE removed however it then shows an OUT OF STOCK description. We are using this for a Wholesale site where the user must register to see prices. However a concern is that instead of someone registering they will think everything is out of stock and leave. We would like to instead have a button which states…PLEASE REGISTER TO SEE PRICING

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  31. achatcloud October 8, 2018 at 11:52 am#comment>

    Hi, on the ‘Price based on User Role by Products Tags’ section, could we also have only some roles that display? Because at the moment there are 2 issues that makes the solution very difficult to use for me:
    – showing all roles for each product tags makes the list super long and very difficult to work with
    – also I’m using Polylang and have 2 languages at the moment and so for each product tags I’m getting 2 fields for each role. Can we have only 1 field for both though?

    So right now I have 20 roles (only 5 to be used) and 5 product tags, which gives me 200 fields (100 for each language). While I need only 5 roles for 5 categories which would be only 25 fields to fill in and that would be so much easier to manage this feature.

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    • RokasJ October 8, 2018 at 8:00 pm#comment>

      Hi Achatcloud,

      Unfortunately that’s not possible yet but we have added it to our todo list.

      Best regards,
      Rokas – Support Team


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    • RockPeach October 8, 2018 at 8:08 pm#comment>

      Hi do you mean you will do it then? And at what timeframe?


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  33. winzki September 21, 2018 at 1:19 pm#comment>

    Again about the backend… one question from June 20,2017 is still open:
    How can we make the role based price work with the admin backend?
    The use case is: Our shop managers create orders for customers, and the customers have different roles. Still, the price of the items that are added to the order by our admins does not follow the prices set for the customer’s role.

    As it seems, the admin backend uses AJAX to fetch products to add to an order.
    That Ajax call does not fetch the correct price per role of the customer that has been set for the order.
    I guess that the Ajax call will return the price for the shop manager’s role of the shop manager that is currently logged in.
    Also refreshing the order (“Recalculate button”) does not fetch the right prices for the role of the customer.

    Is there a way to hook into the Ajax Call of the Admin backend and inject the customer object of the new order,
    so that when afterwards the price per role gets calculated, it will be calculated for the right role?

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    • Kyle Stewart April 28, 2019 at 1:10 am#comment>

      Same boat it flat out doesnt work if you create orders at the backend/admin interface.


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    • RokasJ May 2, 2019 at 8:42 pm#comment>


      You can use prices of different user roles by selecting the user role with role changer. This will show the prices of the user role that is selected when creating order from the backend. To enable this, go to Booster Settings > Emails & Misc > General and enable “Booster User Roles Changer”.

      Best regards,
      Rokas – Support Team


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  35. Patrick September 18, 2018 at 9:28 pm#comment>

    Is there a way (either in the free or plus version) to simply exclude certain products from the price per role adjustment without using the per product feature?

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    • RokasJ September 19, 2018 at 12:49 pm#comment>

      Hi Patrick,

      Unfortunately that’s not possible yet but we have added it to our todo list.

      Best regards,
      Rokas – Support Team


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  37. Roberto September 18, 2018 at 8:45 pm#comment>

    Hi Team. I’m trying to configure The feature: Price based on User Role.
    When I try to configure the prices in the products it isn’t working. I can apply one price only.
    How can I solve this issue?

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    • roberto September 19, 2018 at 12:32 pm#comment>

      Hi team. I tried to see the solution that recommended me by email but it is not working.
      I’m seeing that the function Price based on user role for each product only work in a product.
      Thanks you for your help but other plugin resolve my problem.


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  39. vanderlugt September 14, 2018 at 9:20 pm#comment>

    I am really happy with your PRO plugin and I use a lot of the options.

    I would like to apply discounts not on user roles but on groups (used with Woocommerce Groups plugin). For me this makes much more sense, because my subscribers (user role) can be a member of different groups for which diiferent discount rates can be used..
    Might this be feasible too?

    Thanks! JP

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    • RokasJ September 15, 2018 at 11:31 am#comment>


      Unfortunately that’s not possible at the moment but we have added it to our todo list.

      Best regards,
      Rokas – Support Team


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  41. Gecentas September 3, 2018 at 5:47 pm#comment>


    is it possible to display all products with SALE price set by this module? kinda woocommerce [sale_products] shortcode?

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    • RokasJ September 3, 2018 at 6:05 pm#comment>

      Hi Gecentas,

      I’m afraid that’s not possible at the moment but we have added this to our todo list.

      Best regards,
      Rokas – Support Team


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    • Gecentas September 3, 2018 at 6:10 pm#comment>

      ok, thanks / ačiū


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  43. Zomba August 31, 2018 at 9:37 pm#comment>

    I am using this to give certain members special pricing (based on their roles I have assigned). Everything works fine BUT it does not show the original price, so the member likely does not have a clue that I am giving them a special discounted price. Is there any way to do this, i.e. to show the original price with a strikethrough and then the special price next to it?

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    • RokasJ September 2, 2018 at 9:02 am#comment>

      Hi Zomba,

      Unfortunately that’s not possible yet but we have added it to our todo list.

      Best regards,
      Rokas – Support Team


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  45. deb May 21, 2018 at 10:54 pm#comment>

    I have the full paid version but I cannot find a way to disable discount/coupon codes per user role.

    In order to prevent maintaining hundreds of products by wholesale price, I want to use a custom user role to reduce the price by percentage for a wholesale user role and that seems to be working great as I can include or exclude specific categories as appropriate without having to go in and set the rate individually for each product or apply a global rate for all products since I need them applied only to specific categories.

    The problem is that when adding products to the cart, a wholesale user can till enter coupon codes that are readily available on the site for regular customers and get an additional discount on top of their half price rate and that reduces their price below my own cost of goods. So adding a discount to a wholesale rate is not an option. I can’t find a way to disable the coupon code or remove the coupon box for a wholesale user role.

    How do I do that?

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    • Booster Support Team May 22, 2018 at 12:08 am#comment>


      Thanks for the idea. Unfortunately not possible with Booster at the moment, but seems quite easy to implement. One question though – do you want to disable *all coupons* for some user role? Or you want to enable/disable *each coupon* for some user role (i.e. on per coupon basis)?

      Best regards,

      #comment>#comment>Booster Support Team#comment>

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    • deb May 22, 2018 at 12:16 am#comment>

      Hi, Tom.
      Thanks for the speedy reply. I would like to disable all coupons for a specific user role since the price set per role is the lowest reduced price I can go in those cases.

      thanks, deb


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    • Booster Support Team May 22, 2018 at 12:26 am#comment>

      Ok, I’ve made some tests already – disabling all coupons will be easy. One note – it disables coupons for some user role completely – this means that even coupon field on cart disappears for that user role. I will get back to you as soon as it’s done – shouldn’t take long. I will also check if this can be done on per coupon basis (maybe this will be useful for other Booster users).

      While testing I’ve discovered one workaround that already can be done now in Booster – not sure if this will be good enough to you though – when you create a coupon in WooCommerce, you can select “Exclude sale items” checkbox there. Now if you go to “WooCommerce > Settings > Booster > Prices & Currencies > Price by User Role” and enable “Disable Price by User Role for Regular Price” checkbox there, price by user prices will be counted as sale price, so coupon is not applied. Hope you get the idea.

      P.S. If you like Booster, please leave us a rating

      Best regards,

      #comment>#comment>Booster Support Team#comment>

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    • deb May 22, 2018 at 12:50 am#comment>


      That sounds like a great workaround. I tried a number of different things that removed things I didn’t want removed or required setting price individually by product (too many products to do that) but I had not tried that control – Didn’t fully understand that one and then got tired of going in circles!

      But I’ll check it out. Since I’m still in the “preparing for wholesale” stages at this point, that will be a good start. I’m personally happy with removing coupons for a specific user role, but it’s true that other users may want it on a per coupon basis.

      Thanks again for the speedy response and feedback. I”m happy that’s something you can do. And yes, I’m very impressed with Booster and like it very much so far.

      thx, deb


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    • Booster Support Team May 22, 2018 at 5:38 pm#comment>

      Hi Deb,

      I’ve just sent you new dev version. You will need to uninstall the old plugin version first (don’t worry your saved settings won’t disappear). There I’ve added new “Coupon by User Role” module in “WooCommerce > Settings > Booster > Cart & Checkout > Coupon by User Role”. Could you please check it out? Any feedback is highly appreciated.

      Best regards,

      #comment>#comment>Booster Support Team#comment>

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    • deb May 22, 2018 at 7:20 pm#comment>

      gosh, Tom! Thanks for doing that and so quickly. It works like a charm 🙂

      Thanks so much. I’ve submitted rave reviews for you 🙂



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    • deb May 26, 2018 at 6:52 pm#comment>

      Hi, Tom.

      Thanks again for your brilliant work on this. However, I’ve found an issue. I get this error at the top of the page when I check my site with Edge and IE. It’s fine with Chrome and Firefox. I checked all the file paths and code lines on the server and it’s all there and is correct so I can’t figure out why I can’t eliminate the error on those 2 browsers or their cache. Right after I installed the new plugin you sent, I started getting warnings from my security app about malware and missing includes which I could never pin down so when I finally saw these on IE and Edge, I’m guessing it’s these errors it’s seeing.

      Here is the error I’m getting at the top of the site on those 2 browsers:

      Warning: include_once(/home1/mysite/public_html/wp-content/plugins/booster-plus-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wcj-coupon-by-user-role.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home1/debschlier/public_html/wp-content/plugins/booster-plus-for-woocommerce/includes/core/wcj-modules.php on line 137

      Warning: include_once(): Failed opening ‘/home1/mysite/public_html/wp-content/plugins/booster-plus-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wcj-coupon-by-user-role.php’ for inclusion (include_path=’.:/opt/php70/lib/php’) in /home1/debschlier/public_html/wp-content/plugins/booster-plus-for-woocommerce/includes/core/wcj-modules.php on line 137

      I tried disabling that setting, as well as disabling booster to see if the error went away but it didn’t seem to make any difference at all. The only thing I haven’t tried is deleting the plugin altogether and starting over to see if it went away because I didn’t want to lose so many settings and all the work I’ve already done individually on products.

      Do you have any ideas?

      Thanks, deb


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    • deb May 27, 2018 at 8:13 pm#comment>

      Since I entered my last note, I’ve discovered that it does show up in Firefox also when I’m NOT logged in.

      I’ve also discovered that when logged in on the other browsers, the error does not show up.

      It seems the error only shows up when you’re NOT logged into an account.

      Hope that helps,


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    • Booster Support Team May 31, 2018 at 12:10 am#comment>

      Hi Deb,

      Sorry for not replying earlier. This is really weird. Looks like when you are not logged, some of the plugin files are missing. You can try deleting the plugin and re-installing it again. You settings will remain unchanged (if you’d need to really delete Booster settings, this can be done though “WooCommerce > Settings > Booster > Dashboard > Manage Settings > Reset”). Alternatively you can wait till this Sunday (June 3rd), when we are going to release stable version, so you could update normally (not sure it will help though).

      P.S. By the way – as mentioned, today we’ve included “Per Coupon” options, so coupons can now be invalidated for some user roles on per coupon basis (i.e. not all coupons at once).

      Hope that helps.

      Best regards,

      #comment>#comment>Booster Support Team#comment>

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    • deb June 3, 2018 at 9:05 pm#comment>

      Thanks so much! I didn’t have time to work on this until today so I installed the Booster update before trying anything else and that does seem to have corrected the problem. I have no idea what went wrong but it seems the new version fixed everything 🙂

      Super nice plug-in. I really like it. If you don’t mind me saying so, the only thing that could make it even better is a “bulk edit” on things like wholesale entries and other things like that have individual product entries, although I can see how it may not be possible but a gal can dream 🙂

      thanks again for all your help and special attention,


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  47. Guillaume April 28, 2018 at 6:41 pm#comment>


    Very important question here!
    Am using price per role on product basis and that works perfectly. I find a limitation though.

    Let’s say I have 5 roles and 100 products.
    But then I negotiate a special deal on 1 product with a customer. Then I need to create a new role just for that customer, which will be the copy of a role with 99 products with the same discount. And only 1 product with a different discount. Then can you imagine the pain in maintaining these new roles while I agree on special terms with other customers too…

    To prevent ending up with 100s of roles I think the best way is to allow in the product page to setup discounts per customer too. Which should be applied instead of the user role discount in this case

    Do you think this could be implemented?
    I think that would be a huge improvement in the price per role module


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    • Guillaume April 28, 2018 at 6:44 pm#comment>

      “Which should be applied instead of the user role discount in this case” I mean when there is data for a customer then this discount rule should be applied instead of the client’s role discount rule


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  49. Tobias April 8, 2018 at 6:46 pm#comment>

    Hi. Is there any way that the consumer kan see the ordinarie pris and there User role price? Like the global discart show the prices.

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    • danielc April 18, 2018 at 11:01 pm#comment>

      Hello Tobias,

      sorry for a late response, can you explain in more details what is your problem? because right now its hard to understand what exactly you want.

      Best regards,
      Support Team


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  51. jimmy November 23, 2017 at 5:34 pm#comment>

    I have problem using this features…. I want to use the “per product” setting. So i change the meta box from NO to YES, then i update the page, but it always remains at NO. Cannot use it….

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    • Wabi December 15, 2017 at 6:51 pm#comment>

      I have the same problem. Dear support can you help us?



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    • Booster Support Team December 16, 2017 at 5:38 pm#comment>


      Could you please recheck that you don’t have “Booster: Free plugin’s version is limited to only one price by user role per products settings product enabled at a time…” message at the top of the page, after you set it to “Yes”. If that’s not the case – please contact me on tom@booster.io for further support.

      Best regards,

      #comment>#comment>Booster Support Team#comment>

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  53. FCO R GARCIA CAMPOS June 20, 2017 at 9:13 am#comment>

    That module allow us to set an easy list of discounts by category and user role.
    It works fine for front end orders.
    But there is a problem: For admin made orders, even selected customer with his role, only standar prices are applied when adda a product, even after push “recalculate” button.
    Who make backend order dont need to know its role, nother its exact discount prices, but cannot place order by that reason.
    ¿How can we fix that, and makes this module works for admin made orders too?

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  55. Nic May 22, 2017 at 6:05 am#comment>

    So with the regular Booster plugin, am I correct to have found that for Price by User Role, I can only utilize that option on one product, and to use it on multiple products, I need to purchase the Booster Plus?

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  57. Rune Kristoffersen November 17, 2016 at 6:21 pm#comment>

    Hello folks!

    I just want to say that i am really impressed

    I have used Booster plugin for a while, mainly because of the great PDF document system which is the best around..

    I have now looked around and tested a lots of plugins for dynamic pricing and role based pricing to use in combination with WooCommerce Product bundles, but even woocommerce own dynamic pricing which says to work great with product bundles did not do what i was expecting. All these plugins had no option to totally disable “items on sale” products from the pricing rules.

    I was narly to give up when i got to think about all the options included in Booster plugin, i took a look and enabled the role based pricing option, i found that all items even variable could be given a permanent price, which means i could set items on sale price permanent, and these was then excluded from any pricing rule. And the best part was that all these new prices was not serialized in DB, they used its own postmeta so i could easily add the postmeta into my product bulk editor so i do not need to open/edit each product just to change any pricing settings.

    After a short hour i had my store ready with pricing rules for 3 different roles and all items on sale excluded, VOILA the dream come true, it works perfect

    Thank you guys for the perfect solution…

    PS… Do never serialize the pricing values

    Kind Regards

    Rune Kristoffersen

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    • Ahmed December 3, 2016 at 3:21 am#comment>

      I bought Booster Pro, and am very happy with it. I am also using prices per user role, and have enabled it per product (bypassing the general multipliers). However, I’d like to do all the prices in a bulk editor. How are you doing that? What tool are you using to export and import the data into Woocommerce? I’m worried that Booster’s extra fields will ruin imports and exports…?


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  59. Kartik November 10, 2016 at 10:55 am#comment>

    HI, I have purchased the pro plugin. I have the price per user enabled and the price and currency per country enabled. The price per user does not work.

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  1. Sådan Maksimeres Brugen Af ​​rollebaserede Rabatter Og Priser I WooCommerceFebruary 21, 2020 […] WooCommerce-pris baseret på brugerrolle […]

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