WooCommerce Product Custom Visibility

WooCommerce Product Custom Visibility

Display WooCommerce products by custom param


Accessible through:

  • WooCommerce > Settings > Booster > Products > Product Custom Visibility

Tested on WooCommerce 4.0.0 and WordPress 5.3.2Plugin can be downloaded here. If there are any locked fields in the module, you will need to get Booster Plus to unlock them.

WooCommerce Booster Modules




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  1. ruth Fox January 22, 2020 at 11:29 am#comment>

    how do i unhide an item. I have hidden some products, but now they wont unhide

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    • RokasJ January 22, 2020 at 4:26 pm#comment>


      Please make sure that the option is disabled in product edit settings and you are not hiding the product with other visibility modules. If that doesn’t solve your issue, please contact us directly via email support@booster.io

      Best regards,
      Rokas – Support Team


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  3. Steven Hogenbosch December 24, 2019 at 3:07 pm#comment>

    Hi, I love the options this premium plugin gives us. Concerning the Custom Product Visibility I am missing some much needed Documentation though.
    I’ve set this up so to only show certain products to logged in customers with a particular user role. I’ve chosen the right user role in the field “Visible” but the product is still also available for everyone (not logged in users). I’ve also tried to change the stauts of the product to Private but that didn’t help.
    Could you jelp me out please?

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    • RokasJ December 30, 2019 at 10:02 am#comment>

      Hi Steven,

      This is interesting. Could you contact us directly via email support@booster.io? It would also help if you could send your settings as well.

      Best regards,
      Rokas – Support Team


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  5. Jason August 26, 2019 at 11:24 am#comment>


    Sorry, am not clear what you mean.

    Where to put the ‘selector’ shortcode to enable the Booster-Selector widget? And where will it show up?
    Also, where will the ‘Options’ show up?

    This is what we want to do.

    1. We have enabled ‘Payment Gateway per Category’ and ‘Payment Gateway by Country’.
    2. Now we also want to have the products in that Category visible only to users in that selected Country.

    The result being that only users in that Country (by billing address) can see that Category and the Products listed in that Category to avail the Payment Gateways selected.

    Should we use ‘Product Custom Visibility’ module? How? What will the options be?


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    • RokasJ August 26, 2019 at 12:29 pm#comment>

      Hi Jason,

      It seems that “Product Visibility by Country” module is what you would want to use in your scenario. This module on the other hand allows grouping products into categories or groups and having a widget that shows only products in that category/group (based on widget’s selection).

      Widget will show up wherever you place it in your theme settings or if you use a shortcode, wherever a shortcode text has been written.

      Best regards,
      Rokas – Support Team


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    • Jason August 27, 2019 at 9:17 am#comment>

      We take it that with the ‘Product Visibility by Country’ module, you select which Countries you want to SHOW the Product. That means it’s no longer visible anywhere else except to users (by IP address) of the selected Countries, right?

      Here’s where we are a little confused …
      In the ‘Product Visibility by Country’ module settings:
      In WooCommerce > Settings > Booster > Products > Product Visibility by Country >> Visibility Options – there are 3 options:

      1. Hide Visibility – will hide selected products in shop (category/archive) and search results. Please note that product still will be accessible via direct link.
      2. Make Non-purchasable – will make selected products non-purchasable (i.e. product can’t be added to the cart).
      3. Modify Query – will hide selected products completely (including direct link).

      The above options HIDE not SHOW the selected products. Say we enable ‘Modify Query’, what does that do? In the Product’s edit page, we select the country/countries we want the Product to be visible in. Okay, selected say, Canada. Then by virtue of the module option enabled (say, Option 3. Modify Query), this Product is now “HIDDEN completely (including direct link)” from view of any user EXCEPT those in Canada! Are we correct?

      If so, let’s say we have made ALL the Products in a particular Category visible only to users in Canada using the above module options. Then by enabling the Payment Gateway by Category for that Category AND ‘Payment Gateway by Country’ for Canada, do we then have this scenario >>

      > Only users in Canada can see the above Products and can only buy using the Payment Gateways available to that Category and Country Users in Canada can also see Products in all the other categories and use Payment Gateways available site wide option to pay by Paypal / Cash on Delivery
      2. Item B (from elsewhere on the site) > option to pay by Paypal / Direct Bank Transfer

      Will Checkout list each set of Payment Gateway options separately as being applicable to the respective items only? Not sure how WooCommerce deals with this – we don’t want to have the user opting for the C.O.D. option for both items when clearly it’s only available for Item A. Is there a Booster setting(s) to somehow achieve this?

      Really appreciate any help you can give.
      Thanks for your time.

      PS. On a related note, can we HIDE/SHOW a Product Category by Country? There’s no ‘Product Category Visibility’ module.


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    • Jason August 27, 2019 at 9:26 am#comment>

      Sorry, please ignore the last post – it didn’t print out right!
      We take it that with the ‘Product Visibility by Country’ module, you select which Countries you want to SHOW the Product. That means it’s no longer visible anywhere else except to users (by IP address) of the selected Countries, right?

      Here’s where we are a little confused …
      In the ‘Product Visibility by Country’ module settings:
      In WooCommerce > Settings > Booster > Products > Product Visibility by Country >> Visibility Options – there are 3 options:

      1. Hide Visibility – will hide selected products in shop (category/archive) and search results. Please note that product still will be accessible via direct link.
      2. Make Non-purchasable – will make selected products non-purchasable (i.e. product can’t be added to the cart).
      3. Modify Query – will hide selected products completely (including direct link).

      The above options HIDE not SHOW the selected products. Say we enable ‘Modify Query’, what does that do? In the Product’s edit page, we select the country/countries we want the Product to be visible in. Okay, selected say, Canada. Then by virtue of the module option enabled (say, Option 3. Modify Query), this Product is now “HIDDEN completely (including direct link)” from view of any user EXCEPT those in Canada! Are we correct?

      If so, let’s say we have made ALL the Products in a particular Category visible only to users in Canada using the above module options. Then by enabling the Payment Gateway by Category for that Category AND ‘Payment Gateway by Country’ for Canada, do we then have this scenario :

      o Only users in Canada can see the above Products and can only buy using the Payment Gateways available to that Category and Country

      Which brings us to this scenario:

      o Users in Canada can also see Products in all the other categories and use Payment Gateways available site wide

      So what happens if a user in Canada buys one Product from the restricted Category (i.e. selected product visibility and payment gateway availability) and another Product elsewhere on the site? How will Checkout show the Payment Gateways?

      1. Item A (from restricted Category) with option to pay by Paypal / Cash on Delivery
      2. Item B (from elsewhere on the site) with option to pay by Paypal / Direct Bank Transfer

      Will Checkout list each set of Payment Gateway options separately as being applicable to the respective items only? Not sure how WooCommerce deals with this – we don’t want to have the user opting for the C.O.D. option for both items when clearly it’s only available for Item A. Is there a Booster setting(s) to somehow achieve this?

      Really appreciate any help you can give.
      Thanks for your time.

      PS. On a related note, can we HIDE/SHOW a Product Category by Country? There’s no ‘Product Category Visibility’ module.


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    • RokasJ August 27, 2019 at 1:14 pm#comment>

      Hi Jason,

      Sorry if it is confusing.

      Firstly, Product visibility by Country module allows settings countries were product is visible, this is its default behaviour. But by changing “Visibility Method” option you can set countries where product is not visible instead, or both.

      Three options at the top allow changing another behavior. If you would like to show/hide products enable the first option. If you would like to make products non purchasable, enable the second option (at the same time if you disable the first option the customers will only be able to see the products but not purchase them, but if you leave both enabled, the second option will work as a backup check in case somehow customer added the product to the cart).

      Finally, the 3rd (and 4th) options should be enabled in case the first one is not working as it should (sometimes, in some configurations this might happen).

      When this module is enabled, additional options show up in each product edit page, so you cannot set this globally (or by categories for that matter), but you can also use Bulk Edit options to apply this to more than 1 product.

      In your scenario where not all products can be paid for by all payment gateways, WooCommerce will hide all payment gateways that do not apply so it would show 0 payment gateways and will not allow to proceed.

      Best regards,
      Rokas – Support Team


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    • Jason August 28, 2019 at 5:18 am#comment>

      Thanks @RokasJ

      Clearer now (maybe make your elaboration above part of the documentation for this module – would help some).

      You said: “When this module is enabled, additional options show up in each product edit page …”

      We tried enabling the 3 Visibility options on/off but nothing shows up on the Product’s edit page. There is a ‘Catalog visibility: Shop and search results’ option at top right above the ‘Publish/Update’ button which we reckon was there before since switching off those Visibility Options (i.e. leaving the Visibility Options boxes unchecked) has no effect on it.

      Also, screenshots may help. Thanks.


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    • RokasJ August 28, 2019 at 9:15 am#comment>


      Once the module is enabled you should see “Booster: Product Visibility by Country” meta box in product edit page. It has a single field (with default settings) with a title “Visible”. Can you find this? If not, could you contact us via email support@booster.io? It would be easier to send screenshots.

      Best regards,
      Rokas – Support Team


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    • Jason August 29, 2019 at 9:40 am#comment>


      Yes, we have that on the Product’s edit page.
      We are asking about the 3 ‘Visibility Options’ – should there be additional meta boxes showing up on the edit page? Are they supposed to?

      Visibility Options:
      1. Hide Visibility – will hide [selected] products in shop (category/archive) and search results. Please note that product still will be accessible via direct link.
      2. Make Non-purchasable – will make [selected] products non-purchasable (i.e. product can’t be added to the cart).
      3. Modify Query – will hide [selected] products completely (including direct link).

      You said this:
      Three options at the top allow changing another behavior. If you would like to show/hide products (WHAT PRODUCTS?) enable the first option. If you would like to make products (WHAT PRODUCTS?) non purchasable, enable the second option (at the same time if you disable the first option the customers will only be able to see the products but not purchase them, but if you leave both enabled, the second option will work as a backup check in case somehow customer added the product to the cart).

      Finally, the 3rd (and 4th) options should be enabled in case the first one is not working as it should (sometimes, in some configurations this might happen).

      OR do you mean the above additional 3 options are set ‘globally’ and does not apply per product and therefore no additional meta boxes appear on a Product’s edit page? So, if enabled, ALL products will not be visible site-wide UNLESS made ‘visible’ by selecting a Country on each and every Product’s edit page meta box?? That would be rather tedious.

      Sorry, still confused.

      Let’s try again:

      1. Enable the Module
      [meta box appears in Product’s edit page]

      2. Set visibility on the Product’s edit page – select a Country/Countries
      [product is now visible only in the selected country, say, Canada]

      3. Go back to ‘Visibility Options’ and enable 1-3 of the additional Visibility Options

      Still don’t know what’s the connection between the 3 Options in the main module settings and the ‘Visibility’ meta box in the Product’s edit page.

      As far as we know, the Visibility meta box in the Product’s edit page works – when set to a Country, only that Country (IP) can see the Product.

      But what about the 3 additional visibility options in the main module settings? WHAT PRODUCTS DO THEY HIDE IF ENABLED?

      Apologies again for this seemingly convoluted post, we must have missed something.
      Appreciate your help.


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    • RokasJ August 29, 2019 at 4:06 pm#comment>

      “OR do you mean the above additional 3 options are set ‘globally’ and does not apply per product and therefore no additional meta boxes appear on a Product’s edit page? So, if enabled, ALL products will not be visible site-wide UNLESS made ‘visible’ by selecting a Country on each and every Product’s edit page meta box?”

      Not exactly.

      These options are global, yes. But no matter what combination is selected you will see at most 2 input fields in per-product settings (if visibility method is set to “Set both” you will see 2 fields, if it’s set to either “set visible” or “set invisible” you will see 1 field). This field/fields are only for entering countries where product should be visible or invisible (or purchasable, not purchasable).

      That is, suppose you were to enable “Hide visibility” option, and set “Visibility method” to “Set invisible”. All products will be visible for all countries except for those where you manually set countries in per-product settings.

      Another example, “Hide visibility” is disabled, “Make non-purchasable” is enabled, “Visibility method” is set to “Set visible”. All products will still be visible for all countries except for those products where you manually set countries in per-product settings.

      The answer to your question “what products” is always the ones you configure later in per-product options (or using bulk-edit options).

      Best regards,
      Rokas – Support Team


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    • Jason August 30, 2019 at 3:54 am#comment>

      Thank you for your patience.

      Much clearer now. The spanner in the works is ‘Visibility Method’ which is only available in Booster Plus – we are still trying out the myriad Booster options before deciding to upgrade. So far so good. Kudos to the developers for coming up with this multi-function WC plugin.

      Now that we know the correlation between the 3 Visibility Options and Visibility Method, it is starting to make sense 🙂

      On your second example/scenario, did you mean to say this (note words in brackets added by us) :
      Another example, “Hide visibility” is disabled, “Make non-purchasable” is enabled, “Visibility method” is set to “Set visible”. All products will still be visible [ and purchasable ] for all countries except for those products where you manually set countries in per-product settings.

      Just so we know we are on the right track …
      As for your first example :
      That is, suppose you were to enable “Hide visibility” option, and set “Visibility method” to “Set invisible”. All products will be visible for all countries except for those where you manually set countries in per-product settings.
      What if we were to enable “Hide visibility” option BUT set “Visibility method” to “Set VISIBLE”?? Is this a valid combination? If so, does it mean that All products will be INVISIBLE for all countries “except for those where you manually set countries in per-product settings”?

      Getting there …


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    • RokasJ September 1, 2019 at 6:12 pm#comment>

      Hi again,

      “On your second example/scenario, did you mean to say this (note words in brackets added by us)….”
      That’s right. All products will still be visible and purchasable. Module starts hiding/showing products or making them purchasable/not purchasable only when at least 1 country has been set in per-product options.

      “What if we were to enable “Hide visibility” option BUT set “Visibility method” to “Set VISIBLE”?? Is this a valid combination? If so, does it mean that All products will be INVISIBLE for all countries “except for those where you manually set countries in per-product settings”?”
      It’s a valid combination. No, same as above, products will still be visible to all unless 1 country has been added.

      Best regards,
      Rokas – Support Team


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    • Jason September 2, 2019 at 4:48 am#comment>


      Ok. Got it 🙂
      Thanks for your time.
      Have a nice day!


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  7. jartsev November 27, 2018 at 4:05 am#comment>

    Description? – And what are those options, on the Options List?

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    • RokasJ November 27, 2018 at 2:40 pm#comment>

      Hi Jartsev,

      “Product Custom Visibility” module require the “Booster – Selector” widget or selector which is enabled by

      shortcode. By using the selector, a customer could choose an option from the “options list” and see only the products that are visible for that option. For example, you could add two options “Men clothes” and “Women clothes” (each in a new line), add the widget or shortcode, and then assign some products to be visible or invisible for each option so that when selected only some products were visible.

      Best regards,
      Rokas – Support Team


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  9. PEPEblu February 1, 2018 at 10:11 am#comment>

    Come si fa funzionare questo plugin? Non ho trovato nessun tipo di documentazione al riguardo. Grazie

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