
WooCommerce Payment Gateways Currency Converter

Currency converter for WooCommerce payment gateways


With WooCommerce Payment Gateways Currency Converter module enabled you can quickly and easily set different currency for every single WooCommerce payment gateway you have set up – both default WooCommerce gateways and custom gateways you may have manually added. That is – currency will change on your shop’s frontend, depending on what payment gateway your customer has selected. Currency exchange rates can be updated automatically or manually.

Admin Settings

Booster for Woocommerce - WooCommerce Payment Gateways Currency - Admin Settings

Accessible through:

  • WooCommerce > Settings > Booster > Payment Gateways > Gateways Currency Converter

Tested on WooCommerce 4.0.0 and WordPress 5.3.2Plugin can be downloaded here. If there are any locked fields in the module, you will need to get Booster Plus to unlock them.

WooCommerce Booster ModulesWooCommerce CurrenciesWooCommerce MulticurrencyWooCommerce Payment GatewaysWooCommerce Payment Gateways CurrencyWooCommerce Payment Gateways Currency Converter




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  1. Raymond Leung January 20, 2020 at 4:42 am#comment>

    Could you please advise for the below issue of the pulgin.
    My website use “PayDollar / PesoPay / SiamPay” for payment but the payment method only accept HKD for settlement. It causes failure when exchanging to other currency.

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  3. Alejandro October 29, 2018 at 6:31 pm#comment>

    Hi, I’ve discovered that while it works perfect in the checkout process. It does not make the conversion with the link that is obtained from the page of the order in the backend. It is the direct link of the order, which we can send to our client to pay, as long as that order is “invited”. In that link that is composed like this:

    It does not do the conversion.

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    • RokasJ October 29, 2018 at 9:40 pm#comment>

      Hi Alejandro,

      Can you contact us at

      Best regards,
      Rokas – Support Team


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  5. Artur Saroyan September 7, 2018 at 9:59 am#comment>

    Cart currency symbol is not changing when switch currencies

    woocommerce payment gateways currency converter

    add product EUR 20 > go to checkout and select payment metod webmoney currencies is RUB > go back cart page select swticher USD or EUR currency symbol is not changing

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    • RokasJ September 9, 2018 at 11:56 am#comment>

      Hi Artur,

      Can you try temporarily disabling any cahcing plugins you may have installed? Also, what modules have you enabled and is the switcher correct for the module, i.e. if you have currency per country enabled you should use country switcher and not currency switcher? Please contact us at about your issue.

      Best regards,
      Rokas – Support Team


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  7. Alex March 2, 2018 at 8:28 pm#comment>

    Hi, is it possible to add multiple currencies ? For example having Euro as store main currency on a woocommerce multi currency using WPML:
    Paypal : USD / EURO ex. rate 0.811320
    GBP/EURO ex. rate 0.0.894311
    CLP/EURO ex. rate 738.091089

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  9. koreaprewedding August 4, 2017 at 10:26 am#comment>

    I purchsed pro version to make multiple currency setting on my wplm woocommerce.
    I am also using add on plug – in (for optional items)
    I am using krw, jpy, USD, and so on.
    when I use wpml’s currency converter, everything converts well include add ons.
    But this booster pro doesnt’ change the value of add ons.
    for example, 1000krw is 1 usd. when I convert the krw to usd, it goes 1000usd instead of 1 usd.
    and also, I am using deposit plug-in, so customers can pay only 20% first.
    this booster pro doesn’t convert the left over balance by automatic currency exchage rate.
    It only convert the symbol of currency just like the example above.

    The only reason I purchased this pro version is to force the currency to USD in cart/checkout, because I need to receive payment in USD only.
    Is there a solution for my case? or do I have to ask for refund and just go with wpml currency exchanger?

    my site :

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    • koreaprewedding August 5, 2017 at 5:04 am#comment>

      Thank you for your reply via email.


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  11. Carlos April 27, 2017 at 5:30 pm#comment>


    I am having issue with “Gateways Currencies” my currency is COP and i had setup the Credit Card gateway as USD, but when there my currency has a product price with 7 digits i got this error message “Payment error: Bad Request (26) – Invalid Amount” but is my price has 6 Digits work fine.

    Can you help me with this issue?


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  13. Łukasz January 30, 2017 at 7:16 pm#comment>

    Hi guys. I have booster plus. I have 2 currencies USD and EUR in the shop with automatic detection (by IP only). I want people who pay in USD to receive email with USD bank account. and I want people who pay in Euro to receive an email EURO account.

    Can you confirm this will work:
    1) create BANK TRANSFER USD gateway and assign to USD currency
    2) create BANK TRASFTER EUR gateway and assign to EUR currency.
    3) the people who are detected to be in the US have a shop displayed in USD currency and they will not be shown the EUR payment methods in any case.

    The main concern is so they receive 2 separate emails.
    Btw – great plugin

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  15. Nathalie November 3, 2015 at 12:12 pm#comment>

    I had to deactivate this module, because when finally it translates my product prices into dollars, it does not do the same with shipping fees. Shipping cost only switches the currency, but not the amount. So I got 12000 USD shipping fee for one 10 dollar product..

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  17. nathalie November 2, 2015 at 1:26 pm#comment>

    Hi this is a great module, but I have the same problem as some other people : my standard currency is not accepted by paypal.
    So I indicated “USD” to the paypal Gateway. But price transformation doesn’t take place, and paypal always refuse. What is the solution please ? I deactivated currency by country. Thanks

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    • Valentin Solovjov November 2, 2015 at 8:47 pm#comment>


      please try to change you base currency to the currency that paypal accept. And create country group for you currency. Let us know if that helps.



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  19. Hussain October 30, 2015 at 5:00 pm#comment>


    how about this scenario:

    – Base price is USD
    – 2 Price groups, One is KWD & the other is SAR, prices show correctly for both Intl & group customers.
    – In Gateway Currency, Paypal is set to USD, Now customers in who have KWD & SAR currency groups can’t choose Paypal because it’s hidden due to non $ currency.

    What is missing here?

    Thanks for the great upgrade though.

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    • Hussain October 30, 2015 at 5:02 pm#comment>

      Please note that other payment gateways can only accept KWD or SAR.


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    • Valentin Solovjov October 31, 2015 at 6:27 am#comment>


      what is the problem ? International users can not select Paypal?


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    • Hussain October 31, 2015 at 1:11 pm#comment>

      Hi Again,

      No, local customers cannot use paypal because the currency is not supported. Booster needs to show customers the KWD price but at checkout, should send the USD currency for Paypal only. Is that possible?


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  21. Ho San October 4, 2015 at 2:44 pm#comment>

    Thanks for making this module.

    I have set one of my gateway to RUB while the shop primary is set to USD.
    I have set a manual rate USD/RUB.
    During checkout the price has changed to RUB, however, the price was not apply on any conversion rule.
    For example: 20 USD > 20 RUB; could you fix this?

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    • Valentin Solovjov October 10, 2015 at 9:29 am#comment>


      It look like the 2 module conflicting, Price by Country and Payment Gateways Currency, try to deactivate one of them, Do you need both activated ?



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